Episode #11 - Sober Fitness With Eloise Hoatlin
In our 11th episode, Kerry interviews Eloise Hoatlin, Who found fitness about 10 years ago as an essential part of a recovery from addiction and to support her own mental health. Her passion for self-improvement and helping others out has led her to become a certified drug and alcohol counselor, a certified personal trainer, and recently a small business owner of East side Kettlebell Collective.
Eloise Hoatlin
Eloise Hoatlin is a drug and alcohol counselor, personal trainer & group fitness instructor, and single mom to a teen. She has been sober for 5+ years and found fitness/exercise integral to her recovery and mental health. Eloise recently left her clinical job as an addictions counselor to open her own gym with a business partner in which she hopes to bring her dream of doing sober fitness to fruition there.
Show Notes
Eastside Kettle Bell Collective
Free Substance Abuse & Mental Health Resources
Cascadia Health
Central City Concern
AA - Alcoholic Anonymous -
NA- Narcotics Anonymous
Recovery Dharma PDX
Alano Club
Al-Anon Portland Support Group